A Life That’s Good

Spring has sprung and I’m still fighting a persistent cough this week but I’m feeling a lot better due in part, I’m sure, to the weather. It sometimes feels like Mother Nature is having some kind of “Clearance Sale” and is just trying to get rid of everything left in the warehouse. But, most of this past week, was thankfully warmer and that meant we were a little happier to be outside.

The forecast on Monday was for a cloudy day and it was … mostly. Just before 8:pm a spectacular sunset appeared while we were out for a walk. The glow in the sky to the west was breathtaking. We raced home for our cameras and chased it for a few minutes but we were just a little late to capture the peak of it. Sometimes though, and we talk about this a lot at our house, it’s good to take in the little surprises (without a camera or phone) and feel blessed to have experienced it with just our eyes and our hearts.

I did manage to capture some of the afterglow just off 86 on Currie Line.

We were promised lots of sunshine on Tuesday so we decided on a date night and headed to Goderich for dinner. It was a lovely Spring day, but it clouded over late in the afternoon. We didn’t get the sunset we thought we might but the lake was beautifully calm and, as it often does, brought a welcome sense of peace and “home”.

“Make your heart like a lake with a calm, still surface and great depths of kindness” Lao Tzu

As I may have mentioned a few times, I’m a chronic over-thinker so coming up with a name for this blog was no easy task. We tossed around a lot of ideas including not giving it a label at all but in the end, after talking it over with my person we decided we really wanted too. It needed to be simple and convey the spirit of what I’m hoping to do here. Like everyone, I’ve had my share of bumps and bruises along the way but all things considered: I have the most amazing friends and family, decent health, a job I still enjoy after 30+ years and I get to live in an incredible and beautiful part of the world. I have a life that is truly good. “A Life That’s Good” … it fits and I’m grateful that you’ve chosen to be a part of it.

Before I go, I want to wish you a Happy Easter. However you choose to celebrate this weekend, I hope you are surrounded by people you love (and who maybe love you back) and that you’re filled with a sense of peace and purpose.

BTW … I’d love it if we could be connected on Facebook  …  or Instagram: phil_main

Thanks again for being here … see you next Friday 🙂

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