15/65 – Adventure In Scotland + The Kincardine Scottish Festival

When I was doing mornings on FM102 back in the 90’s, we developed a game to play with our listeners that we called Notty Scotty or was it Naughty Scotty … I can’t remember how we spelled it. The way it worked was to get a listener on the air, ask my news guy Scott Pettigrew a trivia question and have him answer it. Sometimes he had the right answer and sometimes he made something up that was so outlandish it couldn’t possible have been right … or could it?!  The listener’s task was to agree (Scot) or disagree (Not) … If they called it correctly, they’d win. It was without doubt, one of the most fun bits I’ve ever had on a show.

While on our honeymoon in May, Milli turned to me one day as we passed this sign …

She said … “That would be an interesting version of ‘Scot or Not’ …post pictures from home and from Scotland and have people guess which country the picture is from.”

Of course in many cases, there are some tell tale signs, but we laughed and said, “There’s another one!”, every time we passed a place one of our towns is named after. This isn’t a history lesson so we won’t delve into that any further and you are probably at least somewhat aware of the Scottish and Irish and other European ancestry of Midwestern Ontario.



On this week’s podcast, Milli and I talk about some of our favourite adventures in Scotland and then welcome our new friend, Tony Doherty to the studio to chat about The Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games which happen this year from July 7-9. They have an amazing lineup of music, food, games and fun for the whole family and Milli and I can’t wait to attend!

Please connect with the podcast HERE and don’t forget to like, comment and/or share it with your friends and family. We are so happy you’re part of our podcast/photoblog family and like us, love this place we get to call home.

The photoblog this week features a few of our favourite pictures from our trip. We took more than 4k pics between the two of us so curating them has been … fun? The country is a photographer’s dream.

For more on the Kincardine Scottish Festival check their website HERE … Facebook HERE or on Instagram at kinscotfest

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