34/65 – Your Gifts Will Make A Place For You – FAUXPOP MEDIA (with Mark Hussey & Randall Lobb)

FauxPop Media is a company providing high-end, professional media production services.

They’ve had some big successes in recent years:  Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Blackberry Movie … most recently they were involved with The Mr Dressup
Biography. Successes yes … but part of success has always been a certain amount of failure too and we’re going to unpack all of that. The blessings of Failure if you will.

But wait … there’s MORE!

FauxPop Media … The Staysh … Definitive Film

Failures … successes … dreams … and the gifts that made a place for our guests today!

Mark Hussey and Randall Lobb, a couple of small town guys who are doing a great thing in Goderich, this week on “A Life That’s Good” podcast.


And check out a few pics Milli grabbed during a recent visit to The Staysh along with a few from a few years ago when I was a small part of a weekly information show hosted by Shaunessy Sinnett.


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