43. Huron County Museum

I remember going in one day as a teenager, (ugh 50ish years ago) and being captivated by all the old stuff. I’ve returned more than a few times over the years including a couple of visits recently where I noticed some things I hadn’t before. For one, it seemed bigger than I remembered and for some reason, I found myself looking at some of the displays with different eyes. Eyes that wondered how all these amazing pieces of history were at one time very modern and purposeful elements in the lives of people who lived in this amazing part of the world.
On the way out, I noticed the sign and under the name Huron County Museum … the words “Always Changing. Always Inspiring”

It is both those things and a whole lot more and we’re going to talk about that on the podcast today with Senior Curator Elizabeth French-Gibson, Marketing Coordinator Amy Zoethout, and Sinead Cox, the Curator of Engagement and Dialogue

The history of the museum itself, the history within … why that’s so important … and some of the things that once upon a time made life good.

Listen HERE:

And enjoy a few of my favourite pics below from a recent visit.

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