A Case Of The Blues

I’ve always thought the expression “I’ve got a case of the blues” was a little odd. A quick dive into the etymology of the word “blues” led me to this:

” The noun blues, meaning “low spirits,” was first recorded in 1741 and may come from “the blue devil”, a 17th-century term for a baleful demon, or from the adjective blue meaning “sad,” a usage first recorded in Chaucer’s Complaint of Mars (c. 1385).”

I guess it feels a little contrary to me because sunshine and blue skies are things I hope for most on days when my “spirits” are low. I don’t know this for sure but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that blue is the world’s favourite colour so the connection to anything sad always sits a little weird with me. I’ve always thought having a case of the “greys” might be more accurate (?)  Or maybe it’s just another example of how bizarre the english language can be (?)

All that just to say … the excessive, dreary vibe of early January had me dreaming, hoping and praying for sunshine and blue skies so when the wonderful weather arrived last weekend, it was more than welcome and did wonders for my serotonin and dopamine levels.


Last week we recognised “Blue Monday” (theoretically, the saddest day of the year) and this coming Wednesday (25th) is Bell Let’s Talk Day. Both timed I believe, in deference to a time of year when life is a little extra difficult for many. I’ve documented in the past, my struggles with anxiety and situational depression and how in those times the thing I learned above all else, is that I am not alone.

If you struggle with demons of your own, I hope you can embrace the truth that you are not alone either.  If you find yourself, having a case of the blues or you’re feeling down, please find someone to talk to. Sometimes a friend or your family doctor can be a good place to start. However, if you feel you are in crisis, there are many people and organizations who want so much for you to reach out to them. I’ve listed a few of those below.

Talk Suicide is available at 1.833.456.4566 toll-free, anytime or text 45645 between 4 p.m. and midnight ET.
check some additional information below that I borrowed from my friends at the Tanner Steffler Foundation Facebook page.

In the meantime … we’ve been back to a lot of blech this week so I’m grateful I got up early last Sunday morning to take in the sunrise and then go for a long walk later in the day. For the next few days, I’ll be trying to live somewhat vicariously through these images from last weekend. Some different kinds of blues that I hope brings you a little joy. Stay well friends.

“The world may be broken, but hope is not crazy.” ~ John Green

“Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies do I see
Blue days all of them gone
Nothin’ but blue skies from now on”
~Irving Berlin

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