When Negative Is Positive

I have zero real knowledge of the science behind any of this but I’ve had an interest in something for a while now and recently had a friend give me something to label it with.

While sitting watching a beautiful sunset last week, we collectively felt a calmness that my friend called “balancing our ions” or an “ion reset” … or something along those lines. Call it what you will, my girlfriend and I have both experienced it a number of times. We have both met with increased calm and a reduction in our anxieties when we visit the lake. Have you ever felt that?

I’ve said it before, I’m no doctor nor do I believe without years of study that I can claim to have truly “done my own research” but my understanding is this: positive ions which most of us are inundated with daily through our jobs and lifestyles (especially the abuse of electronics) bring negative effects to our bodies. Negative ions which are generated in nature. like at the beach, increase the release of serotonin and other feel good neurotransmitters and have been found to reduce things like depression, allergies, asthma and maybe even boost your immune system.

Since we spend less and less time outside, we no longer absorb as many negative ions and our collective mental health is suffering for it. Like I said, I’m NOT an expert in any of this, it’s just something I find extremely interesting and it makes sense for my life.

For the sake of time (read: lazy) I’m not going to wade through all the theories here but if you want to read more, click HERE to read an article from WebMD to get you started.

In the mean-time … I hope you enjoy a few of my favourite images taken from the beach in Goderich, one of my favourite places on earth.

“Summer afternoon – summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~ Henry James

“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.” ~ E.B. White

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